
TOP > Healing Cosmetologist【電子書籍】[ Nicole Lee ]

Healing Cosmetologist【電子書籍】[ Nicole Lee ]

<p>Did you know that your hair is an antenna that transmits and receives thoughts outside of your 5 senses? It carries energy of vibrations within each strand, holding information about an individual’s spirit and is often transferred through the power of touch. Because of its connection to the head or Crown Chakra (energy space between the spirit and physical body), it is sensitive and can hold vital links to spiritual wisdom, knowledge and even healing! Healing Cosmetologist, written by Nicole Lee, reveals insight on how to be successful in the business of Beauty and the power that lies in the hands of a Beauty Professional by understanding the Energy of a client.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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